Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Part 2:

The Muellers are honored to be the subject of a recent documentary produced by a group of senior students from Colby College in Waterville, Maine.

Kristen Barnico
Paige Clunie
Kara Dalton
Jess Egan
Brett Wagenheim

Brett, Jess, Paige, Kara, and Kristen did a great job, and it was a pleasure to work with them.

I've posted both sections of the documentary here; in total, it's about 17 minutes long. Go make some popcorn, make yourself comfy, and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Loved the documentary! Makes me want to come and be part of the action! Can't wait to see you all in PB! Love, Sonya (PBHS '79)

seejenngo said...

"You can't fire them." Y'all need T-shirts that say that.

Talented, articulate, AND photogenic. Yeah, I like to think we've influenced you...

Anonymous said...

We met the family/the band 2 years ago at SDC...they have been in our hearts ever since! How special is this family! We love the video! The kids don't sound like kids when they speak. So proud of all of you...and lonesome. Thanks for the smiles...again and again! Love u guys, Johnsons